Summer Dreams


 Bringing people together under sunny blue skies
with umbrella’s full of color
shading more then their eyes…
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 Afternoon rains where the sun can still shine
your pole in the water as you drink some fine wine…
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 A mirages in the distance like a ghost
Yet you choose to focus on what is close…
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 Gliding along on water so still
catching fish, oh what a thrill…
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Wildflowers that shed tears after a summer rain
Happy are they for the moisture that came…
Wildflower Tears




 Campfires that warm and burn bright
flickering against the darkest of night…

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  Flowers and Gardens filled with colors and blooms
the eye beholds that beauty which looms…
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Put it all together with only a few seams
creating a collage filled with summer dreams…
 Summer Dreams



May all you summer dreams come true….

Good Morning… Good Afternoon… Good Night…

What ever it is to you…

Photos & Words


Here I Am/Carrie