A Journey from my Camera’s Eye

 From my mountains in British Columbia Canada thru central Washington to the ocean at Seaside Oregon in the United States.  I share my visual journey thru my camera’s eye.


Lenore Lake Region
Canyon walls that rise so high,
carved from torrent ice age floods
transforming the landscape forever.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Soap Lake Sundial
Pointing to the heavens so that time can be told.
 Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Columbia River Landscape
Rooted to a million dollar view.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Running of the Horses
Shadows that roam free and wild.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon 


Seaside at Night
Alone in the night following where my eye leads.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Day Time at Seaside
A dogs view of the beach.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Days End at Seaside
Twilight casts its glow for those that linger behind.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Lamplight at Seaside
Lighting the way at night
in a sea full of darkness.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Stone Hedge Memorial
A mirage standing alone on the barren landscape.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


The Windmills
In my mind they generate both
positive and negative thoughts.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Columbia River
So big and blue as it
snakes thru the barren landscape.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon  


Chief Joseph Dam
Energy of man looms over the energy of nature.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Patients my Dear
Being patient and still, finally that elusive
visitor comes to me.
Road Trip Princeton to Seaside Oregon


Spirit Lake Fire
The spirits were angered this day as man had
started this fire.
Fighting Fires


Valley of Haze
Thru the smoke filled sky’s, the glory of the sun
still cast its glow on the valley.
Fighting Fires


Nearing Home
Charging to meet the setting sun.
Smoky Setting Sun and Bull  

 In all your travels may your have a

Good Morning… Good Afternoon…  Good Night…

Whatever it is to you.

Photos and Words

Here I Am/Carrie