God’s Gift of Love and Life

It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

to touch their harps of gold.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Peace on earth, goodwill to men

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

From heavens all gracious King.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

The world in solemn stillness lay

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

to hear the angels sing.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Still through the cloven skies they come

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

With peaceful wings unfurled

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

And still their heavenly music floats

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

O’er all the weary world

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Above its’ sad and lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

And ever o’er its’ Babel sounds

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

The blessed angels sing

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

For lo! the days are hastening on

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

By prophet bards foretold

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

When with the ever circling years

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Comes round the age of gold

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

When peace shall over all the earth

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Its’ ancient splendours fling

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

Peace on Earth
Goodwill to all Men

May God’s gift of love and life
find a place in your heart
and have a
Wonderful Christmas
and a
Blessed New Year

Here I Am/Carrie

Winter in Bloom

Let’s visit a place where the bright colors of summer flowers are long gone but with the touch of God’s hand sprinkles of crystals blossoms appear everywhere.   Come with me for a walk thru God’s winter gardens. 

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 Loaded with the growth of new white petals and leafs.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 Water plants sprout emerging from the frozen landscape.



 Buds as delicate as the 1st cherry blossoms in the spring.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 Wild profusions of petals sometimes explode with glistening beauty.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Tiny flowers growing here and there.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 New spring ferns that arise up on the forests floors.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 A single rose in the summer has its beauty.
But so too does the beauty of this crystal blooming stock.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


  Like a bulb that sprouts in the spring this ice flower grew overnight.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 Blooms  of every kind are seen in God’s winter garden.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


 The warms rays of the sun are slowing melting the elusive winter bloom.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Lilly blooms of the winter.  There delicate petals afloat on a ice field of blue.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Reflections of the forest in bloom.

Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

So you see the flowers and buds are not only in summer but also in winter.  But they are elusive and require just the right touch to bloom. 

Hope you enjoyed your walk thru God’s winter garden of blooms and buds.

Wishing you those elusive moments that only God can create
and a
Good Morning...   Good Afternoon...   Good Night...

Whatever it is to you.

Photos & Words

Here I Am/Carrie

Serpent From the Sea A Halloween Story

From the deepest darkness place in the sea the serpent hides waiting for its prey to come to the water edge.
The beauty of sunsets and sunrises always entice
unaware souls to come for a closer look..

As the sun light sinks over the horizon creating a beauty that will draw many, the serpent creeps out of the waters depths.P4230029 

This hideous creature lurks the shores looking for
weak souls to devour.


While one stands unsuspecting gazing at the beauty of the sunrise the serpent crawls closer. P4230058

Mindless that something so dark and evil could possible be out there, they continue to see only the golden glow that
lights up the sky.

Suddenly in that moment when all seemed perfect the serpent strikes snatching the unsuspecting soul.   An emptiness takes over the soul while being sucked into the dark depths of the underworld.P4240024

You may be drawn to the waters edge through beauty, but without love in your heart you will be unable
to resist the sepent.

As the light looses it glorious color the serpent returns to the sea to await another soul in search of the beauty that will lure them to the waters edge... P4240057

So Wishing Everyone a
Happy Safe Halloween
and don’t forget to keep love in your heart so the creatures of the dark can’t snatch your soul

and have a

Good Morning…  Good Afternoon…  Good Night…
Whatever it is to you
Photos &Words
Here I Am/Carrie

Autumn As It Drifts By

Autumn drifts by all to quickly.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Red leaves are soon only a memory.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Color dapples the once gray rocks.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Winter’s cold hand will soon pluck all that remains.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Autumn helps one not only to see the beauty but to feel it.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Like a dream, soon that vibrant colors and feelings fades.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


The season changes to quickly like rushing water.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


Delicate colors soon to be washed away.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


If only one could slow this season.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie


As Autumn drifts by all to quickly.Photo by Here I Am/Carrie

May you be blessed with not just seeing, but feeling the presence of God in Autumn’s color
and have a
Good Morning…   Good Afternoon…   Good Night…
What ever it is to you.

Photo & Words
Here I Am/Carrie