Paintings by the Ice Princess

There once was an Ice Princess who visited a friends gallery of paintings.  Inspired by his free flowing art work, she too wanted to create paintings that would flow and evolve.  Realizing she had neither the right materials nor the abilities to create exactly what her friend had, so looking around her surroundings she gathered what she had to use and would create here own work of art.

She called upon the strength of the winter’s full moon to clear the skies creating the coldest of nights.


Using her creek as a canvas she searched for just the right paintbrush.


Stepping back she realized what one sees can be viewed so differently depending on what angle you look at things.


And so she began to paint using all of nature’s elements to guide her strokes.



Ice Paintings

Ice Paintings



Realizing the patterns she was creating were beautiful, she decided to add a touch of color.


 Ice Paintings PC020194

PC020196So looking back at her work the Ice Princess realized that even she could create something beautiful with only what she had available around her.


Not everyone has the abilities to create a painting or a life that someone else has…

The gift is to take what you have to work with and create you own

Tapestry of Life…


Thanks to the world of nature I was given these beautiful paintings to preserve.

Wishing you this Christmas and always
Peace Love Joy
and a
Good Morning…  Good Afternoon…  Good Night…

Whatever it is to you

Photos & Words


Here I Am/Carrie