Jewels for Nature’s Christmas

There are some days in nature when she just wants to sparkle and shine.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


The colors of fall have faded,
which often sadden her.
So to brighten the days again
she bejewels herself in preparation.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


She adorns even
the tiniest diamonds and crystals
to hang off her dull graying parts.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


With pearls often crowning
her to give her elegance again.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Her heart begins to glow
knowing that God has brought her a gift.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


No need for tears or being sad.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


No need for a heavy heart.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


His hand will reach out and touch
all who open their hearts to his gift of life and love.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


God touches nature in a way that makes
here shimmer and shine
where once death was her only future.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


She now is like a feather
whose lace wings have lifted her back to life.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Her body now flows with a light dance.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Let your tears be tears of joy.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Nature always reminds us even when
life gets dull and depressing
there is reason for for us to shine again.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


So let yourself be crowned by God gift of life.
You will become that shinning star.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


From my home to yours wishing everyone a blessed Christmas.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

May you find those jewels that will brighten your day
and have a
Good Morning… Good Afternoon…  Good Night…
Whatever it is to you.

Photos & Words
Here I Am Carrie

Surround Yourself with Nature

When you feel lost and alone, go out into nature and soon
you will feel the presence of God surrounding you.
Wrapping his arms around you
letting you know you are never alone.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Simply walk into a forest and look deep into it.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Spend quiet times there and suddenly you
may find you really aren’t alone.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Look closely at the details and you will
see so much beauty and color that will wash over you.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

You may soon feel like you are not lost,
but found a place where you feel a part of everything.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Sit somewhere and just look and listen.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

The sounds of a babbling brook will soothe your soul.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

In time those special gifts will present themselves.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Even deeper you will peer into the mysteries of the forest.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Reflections in waters will be seen with new meaning.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

We are all one with nature
so you can never be lonely or lost there.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Every site and sound becomes a special moment.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

The world you felt alone and lost in seems to fade away.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

God will reach out to you
in many ways pulling you even closer.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

You will soon not feel lonely any more
as your journey into nature will be filled
with so many of God’s gifts for you.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

So remember you are never alone
when surrounded by nature.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Try to find God’s presence in all your surroundings
and have a
Good Morning…  Good Afternoon…   Good Night…
What ever it is to you.

Photos & Words
Here I Am Carrie

Don’t Let Darkness Take Your Light

When you feel like the light in you is fading and your world is becoming dark.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

When you have tried to climb out of the valley
and always feel like you are enclosed with fog.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

When you feel old and broken.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

And just want to hide from the world.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Let your tears flow with reflections of love.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Spread your arms out and let God back
into your world so his light may shine again inside you.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Don’t let yourself be closed off.
His light is always there sometimes you have to stay opened and pray for it.
And have a
Good Morning…  Good Afternoon…  Good Night…
What ever it is to you.

Photo & Words
Here I Am Carrie

Call of the Lily

I woke this morning to find you had been here,
but remembered you had never left.
For in the blooms of my lilies you showed yourself today.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Sometimes life gets so busy
I loose sight of you and my connection is lost.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie 


But like the lost lamb you are always there to guide me back
so I can feel your presence and feel secure in this crazy world..

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


You lift me high again
so that I may shine and continue to blossom.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Though sadness and tears may sometime come to me
I will know in my heart that I will only grow stronger when you are near me.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Your strength and presence in my life
will always help me to know the heart of my fellow man.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


With you near me I hope in my own way I can help show
how beautiful and wonderful
our world can be when you are present in ones heart.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


I pray that I wake up feeling your presence every morning.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


So please God continue to shine a light on nature
so that I may never forget how you have gotten me through hard times and helped me grow.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

May you see God’s light of presence in nature
as a reminder to you that he is there
and have a
Good Morning…   Good Afternoon…   Good Night….
What ever it is to you..

Photos & Words
Here I Am Carrie

Dancing With My Lilac

My eyes scanned the room landing on a beam of light, illuminating my Lilac.
"Come dance with me'' she said.

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

As I moved closer, the scent of her perfume lured me even nearer.
''Come dance with me'' she said ''let yourself go''.

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

Without knowing what happen I was lost in her arms, her scent intoxicating me.
''Come dance with me'' she said '' let yourself go, together we will melt into one''.

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

My cheeks pressed against her soft face.  Her beauty and scent becoming mine.
''Come dance with me'' she said ''let yourself go''.

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

I breathed deep as my feet floated off the floor.
''Dance with me'' she said.

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

The memory and scent of Lilac will be with me when she is long gone.
We danced….

Photos by Here I Am Carrie

May you find something in life to dance with that lifts you off your feet
and have a
Good Morning…   Good Afternoon…   Goodnight…
what ever it is to you.

Photos & Words
Here I Am Carrie