Jewels for Nature’s Christmas

There are some days in nature when she just wants to sparkle and shine.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


The colors of fall have faded,
which often sadden her.
So to brighten the days again
she bejewels herself in preparation.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


She adorns even
the tiniest diamonds and crystals
to hang off her dull graying parts.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


With pearls often crowning
her to give her elegance again.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Her heart begins to glow
knowing that God has brought her a gift.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


No need for tears or being sad.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


No need for a heavy heart.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


His hand will reach out and touch
all who open their hearts to his gift of life and love.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


God touches nature in a way that makes
here shimmer and shine
where once death was her only future.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


She now is like a feather
whose lace wings have lifted her back to life.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Her body now flows with a light dance.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Let your tears be tears of joy.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


Nature always reminds us even when
life gets dull and depressing
there is reason for for us to shine again.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


So let yourself be crowned by God gift of life.
You will become that shinning star.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie


From my home to yours wishing everyone a blessed Christmas.

Photo by Here I Am Carrie

May you find those jewels that will brighten your day
and have a
Good Morning… Good Afternoon…  Good Night…
Whatever it is to you.

Photos & Words
Here I Am Carrie